From now until Christmas, Alumni are encouraged to snap a photo of something they would like from a small business in Little Falls for a Christmas gift. After you snap the photo, post it to Facebook or Instagram with the #LFChristmaswish.  Family and friends will then see it and hopefully BUY IT!

The small businesses can also play along by snapping photos of items in their shop that would make great gifts!  Take a photo and post it to Facebook and/or Instagram with a phrase like:

Is this your #LFChristmaswish?

Is this on your Christmas list? #LFChristmaswish

INSTRUCTIONS for posting to instagram

  1.  First download the FREE instagram app on your phone by going to the App store (This will take a few minutes).
  2.  Once app has downloaded, open your instagram account by tapping on it …screen will come up that says Share on Instagram…hit arrow at top right  (if this page doesn’t come up…go to next step)
  1.  At the bottom of the page, tap on the small square with a + in it…
  2.  You DON’T NEED to allow access to your library or your photos…tap on Photo at the bottom center of the page
  3. Take the photo of your christmas wish by tapping on the gray & white circle at the bottom center of the page.
  4. Hit Next at the top right … you can put an additional caption if you like, but you MUST put #lfchristmaswish …you should also include #christmasinlittlefalls  in the Write a caption spot.  You can add anyone’s hashtag ( leave a space between #lfchristmaswish and the next # … For example( #christmaswish, #christmasinlittlefalls, #huckleberryletterpress
  5.  Hit OK…then hit Share
  6. THAT’s it!

You can also scan this Scan QR code with a QR code reader to get more information on Think Local Little Falls.